Early Room Ideas

The logistics of this much equipment requires a lot of thought to make the available space allocated for this project was quite demanding. Rather than being set up in a permanent way thought has been taken to allow the synths to be moved around to accommodate various scenarios.

Simon Zagorski-Thomas created an idealised model to stimulate ideas and suggest possible configurations rather than to be a template or a detailed proposed design’. Although the overall model was created by SZT using a non-commercial licence for Sketchup, most of the component models were created by members of the Sketchup community and can be found on their website with their full credits: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com‘.

Taking advantage of this 3D software walk throughs can be experimented with.

More of Simons work can be found here his YouTube channel: @simonztmusic9030

As well as



As more equipment turned up we experimenting with another workspace to accommodate all this lovely equipment.