The original Waldorf Wave

Waldorf has realized and created one of the biggest and best wavetable synthesizers around. Wavetable synthesis has been widely used in early digital synths like the SCI ProphetVS, Korg Wavestations and the PPG Wave. At first glance the Wave could intimidate most. However for a digital synth, the Wave has a very clear and intuitive design and layout.
This is a digital synth. Samples of waveforms or wavetables are manipulated and combined to create exciting new sounds as well as complex sounds, drones and pads. The filters are analog! There are two, a 24dB low pass and a 12dB high pass. And they’ve got resonance, distortion and self oscillation. Other unique enhancements to the Wave involve expansion. It comes with 16 voices that can be expanded up to 48 voices. The Wave is also semi-modular with hardware and software expansion options
Not for the faint heated but all you need to know is here.